Family Matters

Engagement in the Family

Several yrs ago

Kenechi and Mary at graduation, 2017. He’s so young!

Kenechi and Mary are engaged! Kenechi is my grandson and Mary has been his girlfriend for several years.

They were so excited when I called them on Saturday evening, after Beth told me. Mary said they had pancakes for breakfast, with special attention to her. During the morning and part of the afternoon, they played board games. For dinner, Kenechi was preparing Peking Duck!

Mary was hoping it would be Saturday but convinced herself it was not! Nevertheless she was wishing! Would today be the day? She said, “No, it wouldn’t be today. Kenechi would have done something really unusual!”

But with the fireplace lit in the evening, Kenechi proposed.

When I spoke to them later, they were drinking champagne and over-the-moon happy! On Sunday morning during church I lit a candle for them to express my joy!

Sam’s Frustration, Solved!

Sam not being annoyed!

Sam has been frustrated with his inability to help me with my internet issues. He finally found the solution and we’re pleased as punch!

He downloaded Team Viewer! With this app, he can take control of my computer! As soon as I downloaded it and gave it over to his control, he can be in charge!

It’s amazing! He can take control of my keyboard as it were nothing! Mainly he can see what is going wrong.

I was in a circle of frustration with something I was trying to change. Nothing worked! It remained a problem until I gave it to Sam and he fixed it.

In my downloads there are 2 copies of Team Viewer. I’d like to get rid of one. But maybe I’ll wait for Sam to tell me whether to leave it alone.

Sunday Sermon

On Sunday morning Rev. John Morehouse gave a powerful sermon. He included reflections about his own racist behavior and how he has overcome these.

Rev. Dr. John Morehouse

After the service, we had a speaker, Peter Harrison. He was addressing us on racial history of zoning. Until well into the 20th century, zoning was restricted by mortgage requirements, restrictive covenants, and violence against Black families. The covenant included do not lease or give this property to a family of color for fear of retribution!

Other agreements were reached over the years. Single family housing was desirable, large lots were required, and no public transit was available.

He pointed out to us that the life expectancy of a white male in Westport, CT, was 81.8 years, while in Bridgeport, CT, a Black male could live to 70.4 years.

However, he also pointed out that change is happening! The problems are too big to be ignored. The solutions already exist, and are popular. And the path to change is hard but we know what it takes.

His coalition, DesegregateCT, was formed in 2020. Already they have had 100s of meetings and made 1000s of calls. He says the sensible lot size is doable, and access to transit and walkable areas is moving ahead.

He reminds us of what we can do today. Be the person who knows what is going on in land use. Be known as the person who speaks out. Be ready to be recognized. Attend the meetings of zoning issues in the town or state. After all, be a voice that speaks in favor! This has power.

Author: Catherine Onyemelukwe

Author, blogger, speaker. Born in New York, grew up in mid west United States, lived in Nigeria for 24 years, back in U.S. since 1986. Advocate for racial justice.