Advice from a Granddaughter

How White People Can Help

You probably remember reading about my Sister Grannies, a group of eight women that’s been meeting together monthly for many years. Ellie is one my Sister Grannies!

On Monday June 1, 2020, our discussion focused on the national reaction to the murder of George Lloyd by Minneapolis police. Ellie’s granddaughter Talia has been active in antiracism work and had sent information to Ellie and other family members.

Ellie sent this to us the next morning:  From Talia –

As a disclaimer, this is by no means comprehensive, it’s just something to get the conversation started. I’m sure some of you probably have seen much of this already, but if you haven’t take a look.

In many ways, financial support is the most helpful thing white people can do right now. There are so many places to donate, and I encourage you to find one that means something in particular to you, but I’ve listed a few here as some ideas:

It’s also crucial that as white people we educate ourselves about our privileges and how to engage in antiracism work. Here is a (veryyyyy small) list of articles to look into. Let me know if you’d like more 🙂