Nigeria: Wonderful Food, Shameful Scams

Nigerian Cuisine

Open air market, Ibadan, from Pinterest

The publishers ABC-CLIO who are preparing the series on global cuisine sent me their cover of my book. It has a picture similar to this one. They have also chosen the title: Food Cultures of Nigeria: Recipes, Customs, and Issues.

Do you like it? I do.

Kaitlin, my contact, said the caption for the cover photo will be “Street market, Ibadan, Nigeria.” I need to tell her it isn’t what I’d call a street market, but just a regular open-air market. Hope her marketing people will agree.

She asked if I want to include my middle name, Danforth, on the cover. Danforth was my mother’s maiden name, and I am proud of having it. So I said yes. But it’s not too late to change my mind. What do you think?

Seen and photographed in Wales

Radical Inclusivity

Hope Johnson, Unitarian minister, my friend on Facebook, and warm acquaintance in real life, posted this image and labeled her post Radical Inclusivity. She thanked Rev. Dr. Gordon Gibson for the image. I imagine he was the photographer.

I love it! Perhaps it should be in front of many houses of worship!

Nigerian Scams Still Active

I received an email yesterday from the “Audit Section” telling me that I am owed money by the Federal Republic of Nigeria for a foreign contract “awarded and commissioned,” one of many that “have not been paid since 1985.”
The email said, “For succinct introduction, I am Dr. Henry Salami of the above named Section of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN). . . Your file has been forwarded to my office for review. Based on the review carried out on your claim. . .” you can guess what comes next.
Yes! He says, “the fund can still be paid if I recommend because my discovery has not be revealed to anyone yet. I want to let you know that the fund can be paid if you are ready to follow my advise and work secretly with me due to the fact that I have interest in the fund for us to benefit mutually.”
What does he want? He continues, “so let me know what will be my share out of it then I will go ahead and correct the anomalies and your past mistakes for the fund to be paid to you without further delay, provided you will maintain the confidentiality of the transaction for safety.” Finally he asks me to “Revert with utmost urgency.”
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Henry Salami.
Audotor FRN

As you can guess, I didn’t respond. I haven’t had one of these emails for a while, have you? Remember back a few years when we received letters, actual letters, in the mail with similar proposals. I have a file of them!

Beth and six-year old Ikem, at the airport

Family Happiness

Our daughter Beth travels a lot for work! She spent last week in Geneva. In recent weeks she’s been to London, Geneva, and several cities in the US.

She posted this picture on Facebook with the caption, “Someone’s excited Mommy’s home after a week of travel!”

Today she was in Boston. I think she may be home for a few days before coming to visit this weekend!

Author: Catherine Onyemelukwe

Author, blogger, speaker. Born in New York, grew up in mid west United States, lived in Nigeria for 24 years, back in U.S. since 1986. Advocate for racial justice.