Book review

I got an email a couple of days ago that said, “Hi GrandmaCharity, Let me start by thanking you for making yourself available to provide reviews for books of authors, from your busy schedule. I got your contact information from, after reading your review of “We need New Names” by NoViolet Bulawayo. I thought my debut novel might interest you.”

The sender used the name from my other blog, GrandmaCharityChallenge. I recognized her surname Onyeaso, and wondered briefly if she was related to someone I knew in Nigeria, T.T. Onyeaso.

I hesitated for a day or two. Was this just one more way to avoid the difficult editing of my too-long manuscript? I looked at her website. It’s still under development, but it’s very attractive and she has readers of her blog! So of course I will review her book and probably ask her to review mine too. Instead of one more way to procrastinate, it’s one more way to network and build my audience!

I emailed her back to ask her to send the manuscript in e-format. I opened it this morning to find her dedication to her father, T.T. Onyeaso! Now I’ll email her to say I knew her dad. He came to our wedding, worked with my husband for many years, and lived next door to us for a while.

Her book is titled, “The Land of Honey.” I don’t know the date it’s coming out, but I’ll post my review and put a link here for you.

Author: Catherine Onyemelukwe

Author, blogger, speaker. Born in New York, grew up in mid west United States, lived in Nigeria for 24 years, back in U.S. since 1986. Advocate for racial justice.

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